So I recently made another purchase from the Global Silver Factory. Don't be put off by the website - so it's not all "hipster" and "tumblr-fied" but you're getting genuine sterling silver 925 rings for a very reasonable price! They sell similar items to those on shopdixi, regalrose, and the many never ending online jewellery stores that pop up more often than my period! However unlike shop dixi, you're not paying nearly £40 for one ring...

 Which brings me onto how I store my rings! So watching Claire Marshall on youtube and she had picked up some ring trays from amazon! Sure enough I was quick to follow and picked up two of these ring trays! Each holds 100 rings each! They're not the best quality but I like that all my rings are in one place, and all easy to see :)

Want to see my ring collection video? Click below to check it out!! 
